Reading Funding for Sustainable Travel Ideas


Charities, businesses, voluntary groups and residents in Reading are again being invited to bid for funding if they can come up with innovative ways to get people to consider more sustainable ways of travelling around town.

Last year it was Caversham’s ‘Beat the Street’ which grabbed the headlines as part the Reading Borough Council’s first round of grants from its Travel Reading Challenge Fund.

The Council is now offering groups a second chance to bid for funding. Whether it’s a local community group with an idea to help friends and neighbours walk or cycle more around their neighbourhood, or a local business which has developed a proposal to encourage their workforce to choose greener ways of getting to work, the Council’s Travel Reading Challenge Fund could help get the project off the ground.

Any voluntary, community, charity or commercial organisation, group or club that proposes a project that successfully meets the Fund’s aim may apply. Grants will be between £500 and £30,000 for the 2014 application period. The total funding pot for 2014-15 is up to £150,000.

Interested parties are being asked to fill in and return a Large Grant Application Form if they are seeking more than £2,000. For groups or organisations seeking between £500 and £2,000 they need to fill in and return a Small Grant Application Form. Projects receiving grant funding must be complete by 31st March 2015.

Forms are available to download from Grant guidelines are also available. Alternatively, groups or organisations can email [email protected], phone 0118 937 2653 or write to Reading Borough Council, Transport Strategy, Level 9, Civic Centred,. Reading, RG1 7AE.

All application forms must be submitted by 5pm on Friday, 28th February.

January 9, 2014 |

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