Reading Council Staff Volunteer as Dementia Friends


Reading Borough Council is supporting the Alzheimer’s Society’s Dementia Friends campaign as part its ongoing commitment to making Reading a dementia friendly town.

With the goal of creating a million Dementia Friends across England by 2015, the initiative aims to give people a better understanding of the condition and suggest ways in which we can all support people with dementia.

Two councillors joined 31 staff – from departments including highways and transport, libraries, environmental health, and finance as well as social care – for voluntary Dementia Friends training. They learnt how dementia is not part of the natural ageing process but is caused by diseases of the brain; that it is not just about losing your memory and that there is more to the person than just the dementia; and that it is possible to live well with dementia.

Attendees were encouraged to sign up to individual actions by registering on the Dementia Friends website

Dementia actions can include:
• behaving patiently with someone showing the signs of dementia
• spending more time with, helping or supporting a friend or relative affected by dementia
• signposting people affected by dementia to more information and support
• volunteering with an organisation to support people with dementia
• fundraising for a dementia-related cause
• helping your workplace to be more dementia friendly
• spreading the word about Dementia Friends

April 2, 2014 |

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