Reading Council Spot Checks Find Faults on Cabs and Private Hire Cars
0Reading Borough Council licensing officers and Thames Valley Police carried out the joint exercise over the course two consecutive days in January. Vehicles and drivers were stopped and checked for having the correct driver and vehicle licence and insurance documents, and the mechanical safety of the vehicles.
A total of 36 vehicles were stopped and checked on January 14th and 15th, 26 of which were licensed by Reading Borough Council and ten by other Councils.
One of the 14 vehicles that failed to comply was operating without a license, having had it revoked two months ago. Another vehicle had no insurance, no car tax disc and the driver had a non-compliant registration. The vehicle was subsequently seized.
Other more minor defects and deficiencies included:
• driving without an Entitlement to Drive letter. The driver was prevented from continuing to work until they produced the entitlement to drive letter which had been left at home
• not carrying a fire extinguisher and/or carrying fire extinguisher that had not been checked for functionality
• not displaying an internal ID plate or roof signs
• carrying unauthorised advertising on display within the vehicle
• defective windscreen and tyres; heavily tinted windows; illegal number plate
• using a mobile phone while driving
Some of the defects and deficiencies were rectified immediately and other vehicles will be re-inspected in due course. All non-Reading vehicles and drivers have now been reported to
their respective Local Authority.