Reading Council and The Heights Academy Trust Identify Location for New School
0Reading Borough Council, together with The Heights Academy Trust, have agreed on a temporary location for The Heights Primary School which will open in September this year.
Offer letters for parents of children who will be starting primary school in September this year are issued on April 16th. The Council’s agreement with The Trust now means parents offered places at The Heights will have certainty about where their child will be going to school in September 2014.
The old Caversham Nursery site is currently empty but its former use means that it can be easily adapted into an effective and suitable learning environment for young children, with a large amount of open space for play. The Council will additionally be providing the new school with resources for the temporary site to ensure that pupils attending the school have a great start to their education in Reading.
The Heights Primary School is a new conventional two form entry Primary School which will be opening in September 2014. The school is being set up by The Heights Primary School Academy Trust, in partnership with Reading Borough Council and funded by the Department for Education, as a Free School. It will grow organically, opening with two classes of 25 children in reception, and one each for year one and three.
The school will serve the Caversham Heights area to complement Caversham’s existing primary schools, relieving the pressure for school places in the area. It will be regulated by Ofsted, teach the national curriculum and employ fully qualified teachers.