Reading Climate Change Action Plan Moves Forward


THE ‘READING Means Business on Climate Change’ Action Plan has been approved by the Council at the Strategic Environment, Planning and Transport Committee.

The action plan is part of the climate change strategy developed by a group of statutory, private and voluntary and community sector organisations – The Reading Climate Change Partnership – and incorporates the following themes:

• to reduce the energy consumption of the whole of the borough
• to ensure communications around climate change are consistent and targeted
• to enable wildlife to survive weather changes by connecting up natural habitats
• to increase the amount of renewable energy in the borough

The plan also links in with the Council’s commitment to tackle fuel poverty through delivering social schemes aimed at vulnerable people and improving standards of empty homes.
Reading Borough Council is one of the leads in delivering the action plan, alongside the Environment Agency, University of Reading and the Reading Neighbourhood Network, among others.

More information at:

November 30, 2013 |

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