Reading Children’s Centres Summer Events
0Reading has 13 children’s centres across the borough. Each covers a ‘reach’ area, but families are welcome to use any centre that suits their needs.
Children’s centres are warm and welcoming places where families with children under 5 can access a wide range of services. These include:
A wide range of play activities for children
Parenting advice and support for mums, dads and carers, in the centre and in your home
Family learning
Information and advice on benefits and money management
Links with Jobcentre Plus, further education and training opportunities
Access to child and family health services, including antenatal and postnatal support, breast-feeding support, advice on children’s health, diet and sleep
Links to early education and childcare for children under five, including childminders, play schemes and holiday clubs
Services for children with special needs
During the holidays, some children’s centre activities are open to older children to offer fun for the whole family.
Parents can register at any time before their child’s fifth birthday to be able to access all the activities and services available at Reading’s children’s centres. Registration forms are always available in the children’s centres and children’s centre staff are available to show parents around the centre and talk about the activities on offer.
Further information on Reading’s children’s centres, including contact details and a map of the children’s centre locations is available on the Reading Borough Council website: