Reading Borough Council Increase Funding to Voluntary Groups
0Reading Borough Council is backing Reading’s voluntary sector, this time to the tune of £13.22 million next year. That is an increase from this year’s investment of £12.85 million.
Key highlights of the proposed 2013/14 funding package include a 70% increase in revenue grants expenditure and a 64% increase in the amount of grant expenditure with Reading-based groups. This is in recognition of the invaluable work voluntary groups carry out in Reading and the ‘added value’ Reading-based groups in particular offer through their local knowledge and experience of working in communities across the town.
Additional funds to support this programme will be transferred from Government funding made available to local authorities in 2013/2014.
The Cabinet Report detailing Reading Borough Council’s proposed support for voluntary and community groups for 2013/14 can be found at (Item 7). If approved at Cabinet on Monday January 21st, the funding package will also be subject to approval of the overall Reading Borough Council budget for 2013/14.