Reading Borough Council Bringing Empty Homes Back into Use


Homes can become empty due to a change in ownership or tenancy, or during a refurbishment. Of the 2,500 unoccupied homes in Reading, around 400 have been empty for 6 months or longer. These figures peaked at 550 in 2008 – the year the Council launched the Empty Homes Strategy, which will be reviewed and refreshed in the next few months.

As part of the review, residents will be urged to report empty homes in their areas. Empty homes blight neighbourhoods, encourage anti-social behaviour and are a waste of accommodation, particularly for a town like Reading where housing is at a premium.

The Council offers personalised support for owners struggling to maintain their unused property and can use enforcement powers on owners who are unwilling to deal with vacant homes.

The new Empty Homes Strategy is needed in order to reflect the Government’s approach to empty homes. In the first ever National Empty Homes Strategy, the Government pledged cash to help owners renovate their properties; reduced the empty homes Council Tax discounts that owners received; and brought in the New Homes Bonus, a scheme that gives financial rewards to Councils that reduce numbers of empty homes year on year.

January 28, 2014 |

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