Reading £2 Million Community Benefits


Community benefits totalling nearly £2 million negotiated from developers as part of the planning process are outlined in a report going before a meeting of the Council’s Policy Committee next week.

Known as Section 106 payments, the money is negotiated by local authorities from developers where a planning application is approved. It can then be spent on enhancing local community facilities, such as improvements for local schools, playgrounds or leisure centres for example.

A detailed report going to Policy Committee on Monday June 10 outlines a lengthy list of local schemes set to benefit from the Section 106 money in Reading, to the tune of £1,880,114. That total includes:

• £769,984 to improve the infrastructure and facilities of local schools right across Reading
• £511,174 towards improved leisure facilities, including leisure centres, parks and open spaces
• £460,977 on affordable housing schemes
• £131,417 towards highways and transport improvements

A full list of the individual community schemes set to benefit from the Section 106 money negotiated by Reading Borough Council can be found as an appendix to Item 8 on the Policy Committee Agenda. Follow this link for all June 10 Policy Committee agenda papers:

June 6, 2013 |

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